Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I smeell like him

(; luh my baby. today was a goood day. It was very chill. But tell me why it was hella hot the past few days, day+night, but earlier it started to get heellllaa cold! I was freeeeeezin. Wasn't even dressed for the coldness too! Ahh, but anyways.. We finaaa moove! Just don't know where yet, tha faam is lookinn. But damn, i hellaa aint even tryna move anywhere that's boring. I'd be hellaaaaa sad)= Especially since i aint gotta daamn car yet! Not even a permit or naaathing.. Aha ugh well imaa just hope that we find a pretty house wit a coo neighborhood w/ stores and restaurants close by!!! =) feeeeelme. tehehh

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


is the shiiiiiiiiiit when your fucccin hot! Not tha fraps though. But yeeee! Todays weather was PERFEECT, til it hit after scoo.. i was sweaatin and euggh! Not the biddness.


Daaaaamn, i wana go frisco soooon!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hot ass weaather!

Damn, i hellaaa aint even tryna get daark though. Agggh, i'll try to stay away from the sun the best i caan=) Caaan't wait til summer!!!! Mmm, even tho i gots summer scoo, i still can't wait. AHAHH. And schools tomorrow, spring break is OFFICIALLLLLLY over=( Heellaa gay! Shit, whatever. Schools coooo.. sometimes. I don't even got anything ready for school though. My binder is somewhere around the house. My bacckpacc.. yeah, only use it once in awhile. And my bags, are like around my room. Maan, it's been over a year that i lived in this house and i'm still too lazy to post up pictures and shit. only got like five thangs posted up. Uglyassss room though!! Ohhhwelps, fina move soon anywaays? Ugggggh! Either some place else in freeakmont, or moving to gaayward. Iun even knoow yet, fuccck!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I'm hellaa tired! shit, aint even trynaa move right now. been sitting here for too long though. AHA, my ass getting numb. =( fuccck! well yeeeah, yesterday was coooo.. posted at journeys house for awhile, got ready there and everything, went to landing w/ her and kellls. after, i went to ma sisters "kicc it" thang, ended up bein a parlaay! ahahh. dude, i heellaa love kelly and journey! i swear, alwaaays fun w/ them. KILLAAA K AND JMAAC! ahaah, they cuties.

I'm starving, alrite deeeuces!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy birthday Trinh!

Wahoo, its the big sissys 19th birthday today =) She's out right now, but yee! JUST A SHOUT OUT.
Dzamn, been kiccin it with cousin Kelly tha past two daays! had hellaaa catching up tuddo, shit. fuccin love that girl hellaaaalla much! good time chillin with heer.(= we was in tapex for hella days today just talking. lmfao, we was in sheikhs for hella days too! the employees were probably like wtf, if they aint buyin nun, whyy they in here! tehe, whatevaaz. I been learning new shit eveeryday, on mamas. some goood and some bad too. some niggas and hella females be haallaaa scandalous! like faareals, keep your eyes open. don't trust easily. yaadadamean!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Best of both worlds!

AHA, the hannah montana movie was cuuute. after we watched the movie, haaad to hit the mall and buy some neew thangss. awh, I bumped into brendon! ohhh,& george! was w/ them like most of the time at the malllz. and ofcourse, was with molly and shayla too. hahaa. when i got home, helped cousin kim with the shrimp and shit to make chiccken alfreeedo!!=) It was good, then she made this one thang with bread and you put mayonnaise and shrimp and other thangs on it, it was deeeelicious. ;) hella love food tho, shoot.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today was a goooood day! teheh. Saw tze boyfraaan. beeen fussin and fighting the past days before, but yeah.. today was good, overall, i enjoyed it. halla missed him. =]<3 Even though today was dumbass cold! Fckkkkin, i'm still lightweight sicc=( Heella gay man. oohboy, fina taake tha little sister to go watch the hannah montana movie tomorrow! she's helllllaa juiced. she's been taalkin bout it for hella days and yee! she deserves it too, kinda. AHA, she knows how to recycle!! Today, she puts a garbage bag in my room and goes, thats ur trash can, and this is ur recycling bag, okaay? She sure impressed me wid that shiet. ahaahhaa. Alrites, well ima end this. LAAAATUHS

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yeah, so i've tried using for a feew days, but i rather sticc wid blogspot, since i've been using it for months now. Heres my latest updates ;

Maan, i need to seriously vent some shit out of ma fuccin minnd!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My toes hurt like a biiitch!

Today, Ahmad took me to Brier to do some scoo hours, and daaaym! Tha kids there are monsters, like no kidding. They pull your hair, punch you and alla that.. Welll the little boys, they dont giva fck! AHha. They be annoying tho, but whatevas.. It was fun (= Got to design a brownie and cupcaake! Everyone loved my cupcake tha most ;) Hehee. But in the beginning, we was playing basketball and that when my toes began to hella hurt! Cus i was wearing flip-flops so yeah. =( Shit, i know i aint wearing no flip-flops tomorroow! Ahah.

Oh! And for PE, daamn, we doin ours! We got into groups of 5-6. In my group, its me, Gladys, Joyce, Alan, Ahmad, and uhhhm Edgar? OR Eddie, or Ed! Someshit, I call him homie. Well we're doin gymnastics and we're supposed to think of a routine for our groups and present it on friday and our group is tha raawest! We be doin flips and alla that.. Got other groups hella staring and copying us, thooose punks.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I had a good friday.

Yesterday was friday the 13th and dzaaym, it was good (= Had a rally at scoo. After school, This one dude, Bary or Berry took Donovan, Russell, Joyce, Gladys, and I to the hubs, saw three fights. It was preeetty crazy , but there was toooo many heads there which made it hella hot! After that, we went to Russsells to post. Oh! And there was a fight in front of Russells house, so i saw four fights all in one day. Aha, two of dem were hella outa no where tho. But its good. Was there tha whoole day though. . At first, it was fun, then boring, then fun, then boring. Yaknow, hella went bacc and forth. But the fun parts were the FUNNIEST I SWEAR! Could die laughing. Never knew those guys were that fun to hang out with. Hehe x) No offense! Haaha i would go into details bout my day yesterday, but I'm hella lazy to type hella shit. Anyways, today is saturday. Yaaaaay =))

Kk laatas!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Its like 11AM, and my sister pulls me out of class .
Just because she doesn't want to go to San Jose alone.
I go home round 12 , eaat, watch TV. then nap.
Wake up round 3, go eat at TK noodles round 4, then go mall round 5.
Then Matt piccks me up an hour and a half later or so.
Yeah, that was my day. Not too exciting, but it was coo=)

I checced the weather and its bouta start bein sunny after friday mornning!
HAAYE=) I ran out of jaccets already and the scarfs mostly only helps my nekc.
but anjaayeways, im ouut.

P.S. Happy birthday Laureeen, Jenesis, and Brownieee !! <33333

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In photo class..

[8:25AM] hella bored ! Nam and i are telling eachother jokes, but this dude can't even tell a good joke brah. AHA, jk! I feel so chill todaay, (= Came to school ina sweater and leggings.. and some flip flops. lmao, i wasnt lazy, just didn't wana put on regula jeans. ITS GOOD THOUGH! I dyed my hair the other day, it like brown purplish now. My mama waxed ma eyebrows, did my nails and toes also (= Love haahr! Eugh, AHA my geometry teacher just walked in, i guess she's subbing this class today. Whatevaaas. Im going summer school ! For geometry, (ofcourse) and for drivers ed training. YADADAA, tryna get my shit fayusst, even if i dont get a car soon .. Wana show my parents, i aint as lazy as they think i am=]] Tehee. Kks, well ima get offaa this. LATER GATORS.

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Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm siccccck =[ But it never stops me from leaving my house. Ahaah.

I helllla dislike my geometry teacher. DUMB FUKC gave 99.4% of her students F. Aint good with tests. Why you gotta make the tests 50% of our grade ms. stupid kakaa song?! I swear, only class I'm failing=[ BUT the rest of my classes, got A's babaay! Tehee. U already knw, when i say I'm focused, I reaally is 8) But I don't put a hunnit and ten percent into Geo, cus there's really no point of me trying my super uper best when i know i'm bouta faail! Feeeeel me. STAAY BUMPIN HEAD WID THAT TEACHER THO, but its good. I loove love my english teacher 99.9% of the time. Ahahha, i'm gay with all this percentage shit. BUTYEAHS. Just wanted to say that.

Meet Jeremiah Durrell Thomas=) BABY NEPHEW! Alex & Eltons son. I wanannanaan meet him alreaddddy!
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Monday was new years!

Welll vietnamese and chinese new years. Chuc mung nam moi & Cong hay fat choi! (= Teeehee. Hmm, this week was alright. Had finals thursday and friday. (yesteerday& today) . Got out at twelve! Was hellaaa happy, i wish everyday was like that. Ahaha. Today, I went to Journeys house, kiccked it with journey and kelly. Then around 7, we went to iHOP. I swear, i missed these ladies hellaa much! These girls filled me in heelllllla much. And i'm glad they didd!!! Du maas. ahaha. saw my bgbgbgbgg!=) for like only a minuteeee tho, gay.=[ Ohh, and i gots to see Noblaaay. that hater, AHAH. also, seen Cedric again and met her frienn Ali. Ahhhmygosh, Christy came and jumped on me today, i fell on the floor hella bad. My bacc hurts=( And my foot does too. And so does my eyes! And after that, like after after, i was swinging my phone and it fell to the floor! Daamn, i was a sadass camper. LOL, i'm such a big complainer. ohwells(: Today was coo! I gueessss. Weird thangs happened though. Just got lectured from Michael, hella much!! He reeeeally don't want me hanging out with specific people, even when you can't change your relationship wid them! If you know what i meann.
I swear though, you really do learn new things everyday. I be learning toooo many things everyday! Ahah, its good. Kay, well im out. BYEEEEES.

Hah, i just remembered. I don't even be thinking people would actually go thru alllll of my blogs just to read bout my life. When reaally, my life aint crraccin. ahem, robbyyyyy! lmao =)

MY BABBBBIES; 8th grade!
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

no baby can't leave you alonee

Booy, I do adore you, put no one before you, you are what you call a BEAUTIFUL CREATION=) aha!
I swear, music hella calms me. I can get sad, mad, happy, excited offa the music I listen to. Hella gets to me. Got an account on imeem with hella songs listed bout my lifee. ONA REAL. They're songs i can hella say 'ooh i can relate!' feeelme. I love Keyshia Cole songs! LOVE EM'=) Stay listening to her+ Tupac, Mary J. Blige, Ne-yo, The Dream, Lyfe Jennings, Brandy, Young Bari, Trey Songz, Destinys Child, Plies, Twister. OLD SONGS, NEW SONGS. STAAAAY SLAPPIN! But i need myself an ipod=( AHA, hella wanting an itouch tho. fuccck! whatevaas. Gona get myself a job and buy myself one.. One day.. Ahaah(=

Don't wanna spit game, i wanna get to kno you. Don't wanna waste time.. trusst me and i'll show yoou

Cus i'm hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,take this music and use it; let it take you away,
and be hopeful .. hopefuuulll and he'll make a way. i know it ain't easy but that's oookay.
cause we hopeful

i wanna put your number on the call blocck, have aol make my emails stop, cause you a bugaboo, you buggin what you buggin, who you buggin , me. and dont you see it AINT cool.

AHA, sorry. i just HAD to put that :) ^^ , some niggas just don't know when to stop buggin.

I swear, I love my family. Tahah, if you lived wid us for a week, you'd love us too=) Assk anyone! THEY KNO WSUP. We got our mean moments, but our good ass moments hella shits over it. Lmfao. Today, when i was taking a nap.. My sister came in the room and started playing with me.. Taking my phone, swinging it in my face saying " GO WALMART WID ME! " She wouldn't even stop. I was hellllaaa mad though! Aha, when i'm sleeping, IM SLEEPING. got that?! Shooot.. Lol.

Today, in school.. we watched the Inauguration thang in 3/4 of my classes. It was boring, i swear. Ahah. In homeroom, we had to go to the round room to watch it with hella other classes. & since i was bored, i took out paper and a pencil. Then Makailah and I was playing Tic Tac Toe. Then my english teacher comes and says "this is history, what are you guys doing, lalalalalaa" She was hella serious. =x AHAH. Then in computer class, it was a choice, so i just went online, listened to music and did an essay instead. After school, did some errands wid the sis and brah. And dropped off Jennifats preeesent=) SECRET GIRL! ahaah.

K, i needa sleep. Im outt.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I watched My Bloody Valentine last night..

And that shit was GROSSSS! Ahaah, helllaaa jumpy. My throat hurts from screaming tho=( Whatever, it been hurt since I'm sicc. Got to see some of ma girls last night. Coulda seen Phan and Sam but they was already in the theater to watch notorious.. I wasn't even supposed to watch my blood valentine, it was supposed to be Notorious! aha, but change of plans. Then this morning, Billy hella comes in my room and starts screaming in my ear "BLOODY VALENTINE! MY BLOODY VALENTINE!!! VALENTINES DAY! AAAGGh!!" He did it for hella days I swear.I had a good ass sleep when i was sleeping too! Ahah. Shit, when I helllaa hella hellaa look at it though, the movie wasn't all that great. Coulda been better. But anyways, tonight is Justins party and I'm hella juiced. (=

Haha k byeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My birthday was coo..

Was suppose to go to dinner, but my mama called some faaamily over. Mama made heeellaa food!=) Then trinh took me to tapioca express in newark to get my favorite Taro drink. Mm, i was helllaa happy. My aunty got me a caake, but i didnt even eat it=( Cus Linh caked me HELLLLA bad! like hella hella badd so i took a shower, then after that.. Me and the siblings chilled in my brothers room. Then everyone left, i hopped on the computer, and after that knocced out. I was dumbass tired at school today. I came to school wid the t-shirt i slept with. Hahah. Awh, i love Monica, Robby, and Nobly for the surprise visit sunday<3 They hellaa saw me at my worst!!! I swear, no but i went to the mall that day at my worst too. AHAHH.. Don't i always tho?! shit. Its good! Thanks to everyone who got at me with the texts, calls, voicemails, msgs, comments, face to face greetings++++. I hadda bruise on my right arm. THEN, billy made it even better when he came in my room punching me on my left arm! Ahahaah. Love my bros tho! Niggas tried asking me if i was tryna get high for the first time, BUT NOPE!=) Well yeah, overall, i had a good birthday. 15 CAAAUHSIN!(=

Their were HELLA uglier pictures than this one, but mm, not posting! AHA
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Baaaby Justinnn!
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I didn't even knoo I was gona get a cakee, ahaha.
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Haaaah, DAMN. Tell me why I been kinda moody. Not like bipolar. But i'd be hellaa happy one minute then the next, i get all "-__________-" Aint coo! BlAAAAAh, I MISS MY MAINS! Hellllllaa shoulda had a party so we can all reunite, damn DUMA! whatevuh, fukcsitt. I miss my bestfriend. My bestfriend isn't even my bestfriend anymore=( Well he is, but we're faaded THAT much. Need anotha reeeeeal one. Love you tho Roland! MAIN BEST! I got hella bestfriends, ahhaa. Ehhh, ieno! I want one that I can really vent to and all of that. You already know . A real fucccckin bestfriend thas down for me. Shit, but it takes timeee! Already kno yu cant trust no bitch, any female can do you scandalous ina minute. To gain trust, gota earn it. I hate the fact how i think tooo much, that it gets to the point where I start assuming hellaa shit. But hella keep it to myself. Yeah, aint bouta get into detail! Lol.

Ohyeah, so I've decided.. I want to go to American for Senior year because I want to walk with the people I practically grew up with. BUT, my sister tryna move to San Leandro BEFOORE I become a senior! Thinking bout either moving to San Leandro, Hayward, OR Vallejo. <- I knoo, heeeella far right?! Hahaa. Mmmm, DONT KNOW! Just aint tryna stay in fremont anymoree.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My birthday is tomorrow..

And i aint all that excited. Only thang i'm excited for is that i'm turning ONE YEAR OLDA=) Hahah. I sweaar, hella people kept asking me what i'm fina do for my birthday. And my answer be like , "nothing" . WAS gon have a party, but not no moreeee. Everyone was shocced.. Haha, sowwy=) NEXT YEAAR ! forsureee. Everything i want is hella expensive:( so all i want for my birthday is just a goooood ass, chill day. I don't want nothing negativee happenin! I wouuld want to see everyyyonee i dearly miss, but then I already know i cant/wont. Hm, tomorrow tho.. Basketbaall game maaybe? Shit, or dinner w/ fam. OR, linh thinks we bouta have a bbq.. lmfao. I might just say fucc it to all and just stay home and sleep. Teeehe =)

I hella love my mom. I loove it when she be doing my shit for me at the shop. Hair, eyebrows, and naails. One time, she dyed/cut my hair, did my eyebrows, manicure AND pedicure. oh!+ gave me money to buy subway. People at school be like "awwwh your hella luccy you got your mom to do that for you" yeah i knooo=P i appreciate her hellla muchhhh. my mom hella cute, no kidding. she staay asking me for advice on clothes! "but its in styleee" AHA<3333333her. gazaaayum, my mama gooots its!;)

Hella sad, the french tips of my nails fina get fucced up soon, like couple of days soon tho. and for the ones who thinks its faake nails, it ainnnnnt. people dont be believin me, so i be letting them pull on a nail and then they be like "ohhhhhhhhh" AHA.
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HM.. FEMALES AND NIGGAS NEEDA STOP FRONTINNN! I would say a little sum, but naaah. I don't wana vent bout it right now. Ya doin someone that aint you tho, all i gotta say is, honey, you aint cutee for that. get like you or get lostt. K BYEEEEEE!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

In school/ Computer class

well 2day im in comps class ya kno. jus chillin and shyt. rite now i so want an itouch cause my 2 friends sitting next to me have one and it's making me so jealous rite now =). its hella funny cause my ppppaaaaaarrrrrtttnaaa sitting next to me is always telling me i had too much fones cause i had the sidekick at the beginning of the year then i had a blackberry then now i have a shytty shine. but now im telling him he's spoiled cause he has an itouch and a sick touch screen fone. lol well thats all for 2dayy .

[11:52AM] LOOOOL, ^^I DIDNT WRITE THIS! Thas a wannabe me- i'll write in here afterscoo, bussaaye right now!

[8:30PM] Kk! So, bout that thangy up there. LET ME REPHRASE THAT TO MY POINT OF VIEW:
We got newseats.=( Gayass Tran gna move me away from Jasmin too, hella bootsy. BUT GUESS I GOTTA DEAL! Since Jasmin was absent today, I sat in the seat i sat in since the beginning of the yeaar. And Andrew+Chad came to sit next to me. I was about to blog, but then Chad wanted to take over so i was like alright go ahead. But before that, they both took out they touches and i was in love i swear! Playin wid those the whole blocc. + Chads new phone too. And they gon try and say imm spoiled?! AHA, not even!

ANYWHOS, oh ninee been coo, lovin itt. I wish there was somethin craakcin though. To make the year a little better, feeeme. Everyone faded.. Like hella bad, thats whats sad. Bleh, I'll blog later =) Im out this gthaaang.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years!

New years resolution:
1. Be nicER <- that was my last years resolution, i failed=( AHAHAHA
2. Lay low on that profanity
3. Maintain good grades
4. Grow hair, then CUT IT!
5. Get active, stop bein lazy.
6. Take care of my belongings.
& I think thats it, (=
jkmthafkca: what would i do without you
keeepitlegit: i dont even know... go crazy
keeepitlegit: AHAA
jkmthafkca: LOL
jkmthafkca: foreal.
jkmthafkca: I'd cry at home every day
keeepitlegit: AHAHHA
keeepitlegit: fsssho

Dude, I swear, on eyythang. My bKbc is growing up. I'm proud of heeeer!

You already know, new year, new beginning! People be saying new year, "new me", but naah, stay beinn me! Maybe gon change, but for the better, never for the worst. Not changing all of who i am, yaknow? Still me, regardless cuuuuhs. First day of 09 was a GOOD STAART! Didn't even go out like that and it still got me satisfied, femmee . Happy 2008 is over and done with though, wasn't a good year. Hella bad happenins. From moving to a different school, to people passin away, to fams goin to jail and shit. HELLA CRAZY ASS SHIT HAPPENED LAST YEAR IF YOU ASK ME. But haayee, everybody doin they thaang, tryna do betta thangs now. I can already see some changes. Aw, i'm so proud!=) But anywhoms, Ima cut, byeee.
FOR YEARS, I went to frisco wid Vy, Rolando, AK, Jason, Raygen, Gina, Jj, Monkey(Andrew), Diana, Vivian, Albert, Ben, and I think thas it? My bad if i forgot anyonee. Hella weird thangs happened! Unexpected too, ALL GOOD THOUGH. Haha, monkey was heeella onn! Well most of dem niggas were, " IM SHMAAAAACCIN!" I sweaaaar, that nigga though. Its okay, he's like fams. After frisco, we headed to Union Landing, iHOP! Awh, I hella love Julie, Sandy, and Lucy for feedingg me. =) But yeah, after ihop, we went to krispy kremes and posted there for a minutee. I love ma niggas though! Rarely kicc it wid them nowadays. It was a lonnnnngggass fuccin night, well from 5pm-4am. Long day/night! Had a hugeass headache and i STILL do! But whatevas. Aha, kay, ima really go now. BYEEEEEE.