Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Gazayum, i haven't been onn this thangy mabibs for hellaa days! Took me like an hour to figgure outt my password though.. anyways! My brother and dadd came bacc from Vietnamm yesterday (= Was a happy ass moment! Haha, hella yelling and hugging and whatnooot. Linh brought bacc hella good ass chips! Killed em fayusst. Lets see, oooh! Been gettinn good grades=) Was hella close to a 4.0, but thenn my science teacher already turned in the grades the week before it was supposed to be due. Whattaa betch. Shoooot, christmass is almost hereee, yipaaaye. New years too!!!=) Iuno what ima do yet though=( Aha, hung out with my girls yessterday, went to Newpaaark. Got some new thangss. We doinn Secret Santa! (= (Me, Jennifat, ThuyPhan, Molly, n' Sam) Fina give eachothers present likkee, after christmas. AHA. I been sleeepin hellaa laaaate lately! Itss okay tho(= Finaa see some of my boyss today, yayy=)

Yeah, I'll update more later, I hella forgot bout it for a minute til I signed on to my yahoo and yadadada.

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loove my phaann.

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